Saturday, July 7, 2012

DC Comics' STAR HUNTERS (1977-78)

"Exiled from Earth by the all-powerful corporation now ruling that planet, they scour the galaxy for the one secret that will enable them to return-- the origin of man in the universe! Led by the roguish soldier of fortune, Donovan Flint, they sail the fabulous starship Sunrider on a cosmic quest of danger, discovery, and unparalleled adventure." 

Cover Art by Don Newton & Bob Layton
I was looking through a stack of old comics recently, and came across a couple lone issues of DC Comics 1977-78 space opera series, Star Hunters. The book was the company's attempt to ride the Star Wars comet, premiering in the Fall of 1977. Written by David Micheline, it chronicled the adventures of an Errol Flynn-inspired space rogue named Donovan Flint and his crew of renegades as they battled an oppressive regime.

Like the Ron Goulart/Gil Kane/Archie Goodwin newspaper strip of the same era, Star Hawks, DC's Star Hunters tried to emulate the high adventure and cosmic scope of George Lucas' blockbuster film, hoping that Star Wars fans would find Donovan Flint's adventures a worthy substitute while waiting for the big screen sequels. Apparently those fans just bought the licensed Star Wars adventures from Marvel Comics instead, because Hunters lasted a mere 7 issues before cancellation.

 The characters were first seen in issue #16 of the company's catch-all title, DC Super Stars, which alternated as a reprint book and a showcase vehicle. That first appearance benefited from the classically-styled adventure art of Don Newton, who also drew the first issue of the subsequent bi-monthly series. Other issues were illustrated by a variety of pencilers, including Larry Hama, Mike Netzer, and Rich Buckler, who penciled four of the seven issues - and all of the regular series covers.  I liked Rich Buckler's art on the series okay, but it lacked the gracefulness of Newton's work. Bob Layton was the regular inker on the series, and maintained artistic continuity throughout the title's short run.

DC's "Who's Who" Entry - Click to Enlarge
As far as I know, the story material hasn't ever been reprinted/collected... and I don't even think that the characters ever showed up again in the DC "universe" (though I could be wrong - I may have missed it. A lot of DC comics have been published since '78). As a Star Kid with a voracious appetite for space adventure - in any medium - I was a big fan of this book back in the day, and would like to someday re-assemble the run.


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