Friday, July 27, 2012

Bob Larkin's BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978) Art

Here's a nice - if unfortunately small - scan of artist Bob Larkin's original painting for the wraparound cover of Marvel Super Special #8, featuring the comics adaptation of the Battlestar Galactica premiere film, "Saga Of A Star World." The colors here are much nicer than they appeared on the magazine cover, where there was an overly pastel tint to everything (at least on my copy and on the scans I found online). If anyone finds a bigger scan of this original painting, send it my way, okay?

Interestingly, Marvel printed two variant editions of this particular Super Special comic - an oversized tabloid edition, which featured a line-art version of this painting, drawn by Rick Bryant, and the regular, magazine-sized edition, which was graced with this painting. (And the story was reprinted again, in three parts, in the monthly Battlestar Galactica comic.)


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