Thursday, November 1, 2012

Space: 1970 - Year Four

Welcome back! Today marks the third anniversary of the Space: 1970 blog, and the beginning of its fourth "season," which means that it's lasted longer than most of the shows I write about here! Somehow, I managed to come up with another 12 months worth of posts about the science fiction films and television shows - and related memorabilia - of the 1970s and early 80s (closing rapidly on 700 entries now), so I guess maybe I can keep this thing going... for a while longer, anyway.

Since launching this blog in 2009, almost every movie and television series from the Space: 1970 era has made its way to home video in the digital format. There are still a few MIA titles (Starship Invasions, The Fantastic Journey, Project UFO, and...?), but it's really quite remarkable how many of our childhood favorites are now out there, considering how few were available back when I started this thing. I'd like to pretend that I helped some of those movies and shows escape from the studio vaults, but I know that's not so. Still...maybe I helped sell a few copies for those folks.

There are still some 70s sci-fi movies that I've barely touched on here (Silent Running, Rollerball, Soylent Green, CE3K, Moonraker, etc.), and lots of memorabilia (and memories) to unearth. In fact, I've got almost a dozen substantial posts in the works, just waiting for me to finish the time-consuming chores of researching and assembling material. I'll also have some new reviews as soon as I can make time to grab (and format) the screen shots to illustrate them.

For the next year (as I always hope), I'll try to post more essays, reviews and features (like Fave Fives, Polls and Space Babes). I know we all dig the posters, ads, magazine/comics covers and other pop culture artifacts - they're powerful memory triggers - but I want this blog to be more than just a scrapbook. We'll have to see how I do.

So, thanks to everyone who stops by Space: 1970 regularly, for your enthusiasm, encouragement, and (the most appreciated) your good manners. It's nice to have a place online where stuff like Quark, Jason Of Star Command, Buck Rogers and even my beloved Starcrash, can be discussed without undue condescension and cynical snark. I sincerely appreciate it.

I hope you'll stop by tomorrow for November's Space Babe....


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