Sunday, January 6, 2013

News: PERILS ON PLANET X Webcomic Ready For Launch!

I hope you'll all forgive me for plugging a personal project, but I wanted to announce here that my new webcomic series, Perils On Planet X, with art by the exceptional Gene Gonzales, will debut on February 1st, with a new page being posted every Friday at

Perils On Planet X is an interplanetary adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars or Alex Raymond's Flash Gordon, though it incorporates influences from virtually every science fantasy/space opera you can imagine, including plenty of Space: 1970 favorites. (For one example: the green skies of our planet Xylos are a "homage" to the green skies of Blackstar's planet Sagar.)

The plan is to serialize the entire graphic novel (around a hundred pages or so) online, and then collect it in a print version upon its completion. We already have six month's worth of pages completed - and nearly six months' more drawn and lettered - so maintaining the weekly schedule won't be a problem.

I'm confident that anyone who reads this blog regularly will enjoy what Gene & I have come up with for this comic series, and hope that every Space: 1970 Star Kid will make a weekly habit of reading Perils On Planet X. I've literally been working on it for more than a decade and am eager to see how it's received. Please check it out come February 1st. Thanks!


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