Sunday, February 5, 2012

Captain's bLog: 0206.12

So, here we are, a month and more into 2012, and Space: 1970 is zipping along at lightspeed. January received more unique hits and page views - by far - than any other month since launching this site a bit over two years ago. I find that quite gratifying. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my love for this stuff, and that a small oasis of snark-and-cyncism-free genre nostalgia can actually survive on the 'net.

I only wish that I had more time to write more posts of substance - essays, detailed book and DVD reviews, "Favorite Episodes," "Fave Fives," etc. - and didn't need to rely so much on purely image-based posts. Realistically, the posts wherein I share scans of movie posters, TV ads, comic book covers and such get just as many views (and more comments, usually) than the posts that I labor over for days or weeks. But that doesn't mean that I'm satisfied. I mean, sure, this is a nostalgia/retro blog, but I would like it to be a little bit more than a virtual scrapbook.

Unfortunately, that kind of blogging takes a lot more time, energy and focus, three things that have been in short supply around here of late.

All that said, I do hope to get these four articles posted by the end of February: a look at the 70s Buck Rogers series that never was, a "Favorite Episodes" post on Battlestar Galactica's "Gun On Ice Planet Zero," a "Fave Five" list of sci-fi fighter ships, and the long-promised review of the 1975 television pilot, Strange New World, the conclusion to the Gene Roddenberry/Warner Brothers "PAX Trilogy."

Since it's a short month, I guess I better get writing....

•  I did a little maintenance to the site this past weekend. I replaced a couple of defunct videos and added some images to old posts. Specifically, I uploaded additional new poster scans for Saturn 3, Silent Running and Flesh Gordon. Check 'em out.

STATS: Here on Blogger, Space: 1970 now has 375 "Followers," while over on the Facebook fan page, the number of users who "Like"  S:70 is now over 800. And in January, thanks to the popularity of the Frazetta Galactica posts, the site received over 40,000 page views - as noted above, marking the best visitor numbers the blog has ever achieved. Thanks to everyone for your support and a hearty welcome to new readers! I hope you'll stick around.

•  February's "Space Babe" will be posted later this week.... stay tuned.


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