Thursday, December 8, 2011

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1979-80) Marvel Comics Cover Gallery - Part 3

Walt Simonson
Walt Simonson
Walt Simonson
Bill Sienkiewicz/Klaus Janson
Michael Golden
Walt Simonson
Walt Simonson
Brent Anderson/Klaus Janson
Walt Simonson
Walt Simonson
Here's the final batch of cover scans from Marvel Comics' terrific Battlestar Galactica monthly comic book series. As I stated in previous installments, I think Marvel did a great job with the property, especially any story that involved artist/writer Walt Simonson. It's a shame that it didn't continue on, like other Marvel licensed comics that outlived the properties they were based on, like ROM and The Micronauts...

Additional Battlestar Galactica comics would be published in the 90s by Rob Liefield's Maximum Press and Realm Press, and again recently by Dynamite Comics, which released comics based on the SciFi/SyFy Channel revival show, as well as the original ABC incarnation - and even Galactica: 1980! I hated the Maximum books, liked some of the Realm issues, and have never laid eyes on any of the Dynamite comics. 

Still trying to catch up with overdue assignments (like my DVD Late Show reviews), and get back in a blogging mood. With luck, regular posting will resume shortly. I still need to select December's "Space Babe!"


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