Saturday, September 24, 2011

Captain's bLog: 0924.10

I haven't posted one of these site updates since a little over a month ago, and I'm pleased to see, looking back, that I've managed to actually post most of the articles I'd promised. I'm still working on that post about the aborted mid-70s Star Trek II television series (commonly referred to as "Phase 2" these days), and trying to wrap up the second podcast. Hopefully, I'll have it ready soon. I did mange to completely miss posting a September Space Babe - how exactly I forgot, I'm not sure. But at least we had that Erin Gray/Wilma Deering gallery to enjoy. I promise a good 'un for October.

I'll also try to finally finish up that review of Strange New World, get another "Favorite Episodes" post done, and finally write a review/article on the Hammer sci-fi Western, Moon Zero Two. Of course, I will keep posting any cool bits of art, Behind-The-Scenes photos, ads, posters, ect., that I come across.

  Wow. It's been a pretty great Summer for Space: 1970-vintage home video releases, with Battle Beyond The Stars and Damnation Alley hitting Blu-ray and DVD back in July, Warner Archive's surprise Man From Atlantis discs and the upcoming Canadian release of The Invisible Man (!). Not to mention those controversial Star Wars Blu-ray editions all the kids have been talking about. Over the next few weeks, we have the third (and final) season of The Bionic Woman hitting the shelves, and the first season of The Six Million Dollar Man is finally getting a general retail release.

Truly, this is a great time to be an aging, nostalgic sci-fi geek. Now I'm just waiting for the complete Logan's Run and Fantastic Journey television series to hit home video, so I can have my whole childhood on my DVD shelves!

   I'm kinda kicking myself now for not catching Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes in the theater this Summer. The reviews, from both critics and sci-fi fans were surprisingly popular. Of course, I'll be checking it out on disc in a month or two... but still. What did you people think of it? Was it worthy of the Planet Of The Apes name?

  Support Space: 1970: The site now has over 330 "followers" here on Blogger, and the Facebook fan page is up to 712 "likes." My sincere appreciation to everyone for their moral support! I also want to thank everyone who have used the Amazon links on this site to make purchases (and the few who've made Paypal donations - if you'd like to contribute, there's a link in the right-hand sidebar). Every little bit helps.

  Shameless Self-Promotion Dept: Anyone interested in my non-70's sci-fi writing should check out my personal/professional homepage, Atomic Pulp. That's where you'll find previews of my upcoming comic book and fiction writings, a bibliography of my published works, and links to my various other pop culture blogs and websites.


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