Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Captain's bLog: 0823.11

Still working on some new posts, including Man From Atlantis and Thundarr The Barbarian DVD reviews, a new Reader's Poll and articles about the Gil Kane/Ron Goulart sci-fi newspaper comic strip Star Hawks and the aborted Star Trek II television series from the mid-70s. I know there's not much of August left, but I'm hoping to get all of those posted before the end of the month. I am almost finished with the second Space: 1970 podcast, too, but it probably won't be available until September.

  Support Space: 1970: The site now has over 315 "followers" here on Blogger, and the Facebook fan page is up to 690 "likes." My sincere appreciation to everyone for their moral support and loyalty! I also want to thank everyone who have used the Amazon links on this site to make purchases (and the few who've made Paypal donations - if you'd like to contribute, there's a link in the right-hand sidebar). Every little bit helps.

So stay tuned. I am working hard on getting some more substantial posts finished soon. In the meantime, enjoy this cool Star Blazers art!


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